Appendices » Antique and medieval leather material culture
Antique and medieval leather material culturefrom the Dr Henri-Henrot boulevard in Reims/Durocortorum
Martine Leguilloux
Abstract: Excellent burial conditions, in the humid environment of the ZAC du Vieux-Port located on the Dr Henri-Henrot boulevard in Reims, favored the conservation of organic elements, including a very rich collection of leather elements. A set of 400 shoe soles worn by people living in the district between the 3rd and the 14th c. allows us to complete and deepen our knowledge in many areas, including, understanding the: techniques of model assembly, diversity of form, model evolution, decoration, manufacturing techniques and variations based on culture or gender.
- Sujets : matière organique, peau, cuir, chaussure
- Lieux : Europe, France, France métropolitaine, Grand Est, Département de la Marne, Reims
- Chronologie : Antiquité, Antiquité gréco-romaine, Antiquité romaine, époque médiévale
Catalogue des objets en cuir et peau
DOI: 10.34847/nkl.7c71dee8
Credits (texte et planches):
Martine Leguilloux (Centre archéologique du Var)