Appendices » Cheese production in Gaul
Cheese production in Gaul during the Iron Age and the Roman period
state of knowledge and analysis of its place in the ancient world
Alain Ferdière, Jean-Marc Séguier
Abstract: Along with other dairy products, cheese is an essential part of the diet of all pre-industrial societies. An outline of dairy technology is given followed by a more detailed examination of the documentation that was based mainly on archaeological data regarding the Roman provinces of Gaul, Germania and the Alps during the Iron Age and the Roman period. The main focus of this examination was on the operational sequence of cheese-making. The data collected for these provinces were then compared with textual, epigraphic and iconographic data for the rest of the ancient Greco-Roman world. Gaul’s place in this overview can be considered as highly informative, revealing –through the discovery of pottery cheese strainers– previously unsuspected production regions as well as gaps, which we try to explain.

Appendix 1
Review of ancient Greek and Latin texts
regarding cheese and dairy products (8th c. BC – 7th c. AD)
- Appendix 1 – DOI: 10.34847/nkl.fe205800
Ferdière A. 2020: Annexe 1 – Recension des textes antiques, grecs et latins, concernant le fromage et les produits laitiers (viiie s. av. J.-C.-viie s. apr. J.-C.), in Ferdière A., Séguier J.-M., Le fromage en Gaule à l’âge du Fer et à l’époque romaine : état des lieux pour sa production et analyse de sa place dans le monde antique, Gallia, 77-2.
- Appendix 2 – DOI: 10.34847/nkl.24b537ge
Ferdière A. 2020: Annexe 2 – La documentation iconographique (fromage et laitage) pour l’Antiquité, in Ferdière A., Séguier J.-M., Le fromage en Gaule à l’âge du Fer et à l’époque romaine : état des lieux pour sa production et analyse de sa place dans le monde antique, Gallia, 77-2.
- Appendix 3 – DOI: 10.34847/nkl.fde4s8ly
Ferdière A., Cador H., Delor-Ahü A., Dövener F., Mathelart P., Séguier J.-M. 2020: Annexe 3 – Corpus des faisselles en terre cuite, in Ferdière A., Séguier J.-M., Le fromage en Gaule à l’âge du Fer et à l’époque romaine : état des lieux pour sa production et analyse de sa place dans le monde antique, Gallia, 77-2.