French scientific journal
of ancient archaeology

Latest publications:

80-2 | 2023


79-1 | 2022


Reims antique, capitale de province

Magalie Cavé

Elsa Desplanques
Textiles in Gallic funerary, metal vessel, cremation deposits: practical uses, staging and anthropological perspectives (second half of the 6th c. – 5th c. BC)

Bernard Dedet, Henri Duday, Philippe Gruat & Mélanie Pruvost
The question of female infanticide in Southern Gaul: the contribution of DNA analysis of newborns found buried within Iron Age habitats

Sandrine Linger-Riquier
in collaboration with Émilie Trébuchet
Re-examining the Gallic origins of Tours (Indre-et-Loire)

Magalie Kielb Zaaraoui, Loïc Buffat, Michel Reddé, Yahya Zaaraoui & collab.
Camp F on the Lautagne plateau (Valence, Drôme):
The internal layout of and daily life within a Roman military camp during the mid-1st c. BC

Daniel Burger-Völlmecke
The Roman legionary fortress of Mainz/Mogontiacum (Germany): new defensive and chronological results

Florian Sarreste, Paul-André Besombes, Phaedra Bouvet, Chloé Genies, Étienne Jaffrot, Florian Jedrusiak, Thomas Jubeau, Anthony Ledauphin, Annaïg Le Martret, Christophe Loiseau, Hugo Meunier, Aurore Noël, Sandrine Paradis-Grenouillet et Boris Robin
Roman villa and medieval habitat in Mont-Saint-Jean (Sarthe). Research report 2008-2020

Jacques Gaillard & Egle Conforto
Stone and quarries in ancient Saintonge:
identification, uses and distribution

Gaël Brkojewitsch & Olivier Putelat in collaboration with Élise Maire, Sandrine Marquié & Amandine Remigy
An atypical equid deposit in a Late Antiquity funerary ensemble at Woippy (Moselle, France)

79-2 | 2022


2022 | Collection Biblis

Cheese in Gaul

Origins, production and consumption in the ancient world

Alain Ferdière

The publication of this book follows the article by A. Ferdière & J.-M. Séguier
Le fromage en Gaule à l’âge du Fer et à l’époque romaine : état des lieux pour sa production et analyse de sa place dans le monde antique
Gallia, 77-2, 2020, p. 157-229.

Sophie Krausz, Caroline Millereux, Marion Bouchet & Fabienne Olmer (eds.)
An amphora cellar, a stone statue and a severed head from the late Iron Age in Châteaumeillant (Cher)

Lucie Carpentier & Sandra Sicard (eds.)
From the ancient city of Cassinomagus  to the village of Chassenon (Charente)

Yves Manniez & Vincent Lauras
Finger-shaped stone grinders in southeastern Roman Gaul

Jean-Marc Séguier, Ginette Auxiette & Fabien Pilon
Deposits and symbolic practices in the Gallic aristocratic settlement of Varennes-sur-Seine, la Justice (Seine-et-Marne)

Denis Dubesset
About protohistoric heating stones hearths in Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur

Antoine Dumas
Multipolar necropolises and construction of a new socio-political model in the Early Iron Age

Sabine Armani
A little-known inscription of Cos/Cosa in civitas of the Cadurci

Julien Aliquot & Michel Feugère
An engraved lead plate from Saint-Couat-d’Aude (Aude): peregrini in Narbonne territory

Nicolas Monteix & Camille Noûs
Bread ovens in Gaul and Germania (5th c. BC-5th c. AD), a technical overview

Andreas G. Heiss, Véronique Matterne, Nicolas Monteix, Margaux Tillier & Camille Noûs
Contributions to the history of Roman bakeries: a study of “breads and flatbreads” discovered in Gaul

78 | 2021


2021 | XLIVth Supplement – ILN

IX.1. Narbonne

Sandrine Agusta-Boularot & Cyril Courrier

77-1 | 2020


Roman ports in the Three Gauls.
Between the Atlantic and inland waters

Jimmy Mouchard & David Guitton

Éric GailledratAriane Vacheret
Lattes/Lattara (Hérault), Etruscan trading post of the languedoc coastline

Catherine Bellon, François Bérard, Patrice FaureNicolas Laubry
A new fragment of the curriculum of the imperial procurator M. Aemilius Laetus
discovered in Lyon

Florent Delencre, Quentin VerriezChiara Martini-Picot
Discovery of a stamped tile from the end of the 1st c. BC at Bibracte
(mont Beuvray, Saône-et-Loire)

Laetitia Borau
Water management in Bibracte (Saône-et-Loire),
before and after the Roman Conquest

Antonin Nüsslein, Pascal Flotté, Mathias HigelinMuriel Roth-Zehner
Hamlets and rural settlements of the Roman period in the plain of Alsace

Pierre Mille Philippe Rollet
The study of three large barrels excavated at Reims/Durocortorum (Marne):
the skills of ancient coopers

Alain Ferdière Jean-Marc Séguier
Cheese production in Gaul during the Iron Age and the Roman period:
state of knowledge and analysis of its place in the ancient world

77-2 | 2020


2021 | 65th Supplement

The Roman villa of Grigy
in Metz (Moselle)

Gaël Brkojewitsch 

76-1 | 2019


Monumentum fecit
Funerary monuments of Roman Gaul

Martial MonteilWilliam Van Andringa

Jean-Pierre Brun, Jean Guilaine, Vincent Guichard & Michel Gras
Hommages à Christian Goudineau (1939-2018)

Michel Reddé
Twenty years of research in Oedenburg (Biesheim and Kunheim, Haut-Rhin):
an overview

Xavier Deru & Christine Louvion
avec la collaboration de Geoff Dannell, Éric Goemaere et Philippe Lanos
The construction techniques of the second forum of Bavay (North):
use, origin and dating of the fired earth materials

Denis Lebeaupin
The Marduel oppidum (Saint-Bonnet-du-Gard) from the Final Bronze Age IIIb to the Roman period:
summary of research on this long duration habitat

Raphaël Golosetti
The occurrence of stips from the Alps to the Mediterranean:
interpreting the presence of coins in Roman period sanctuaries

Marion Berranger, Philippe Dillmann, Philippe Fluzin, Enrique Vega,
Stéphanie Leroy, Michel Aubert & Emmanuelle Delqué-Količ
From exchange products to symbolic objects: new data on
currency-bar type semi-finished products from Val de Saône and the Jura Arc

David Labarre
Beutin (Pas-de-Calais): a domestic thermal bath installation in the Morin region

76-2 | 2019
