Publications » Gallia Informations
Gallia Informations
Gallia Informations (L’Archéologie des régions) was created in 1987 through a joint effort by the CNRS (French National Centre for Scientific Research) and the Ministry of Culture (sub-directorate of Archeology). Published until 2003, the journal produced illustrated records pertaining to archaeological discoveries in France. These publications were intended as a response to a lack of access to information produced by archaeological activity. These questions of access and visibility arose from the accelerated pace of excavations and rate of discoveries. The journal was first published in paper format, and then was transferred onto CD-ROM in 1997.
The records produced by the journal were broken down and organized by year of discovery, region, department, commune and locality, and their chronology ranges from prehistory to the contemporary period.
Prior to the creation of Gallia Informations (from 1943 to 1986), the information produced by activity within archaeological divisions or districts was simply published within the journal volumes of Gallia.
The records originally in CD-ROM format
are now progressively being
published online by AdlFI.
Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur
- Maps & Tables
- Bibliography
- Table of contents (coming soon)
Archaeological operations from 1990-1995 (452 records, 987 figures, 6 tables)
Publication directed by Xavier Delestre (Head curator of Cultural Heritage and director of Historical Antiquities), with the collaboration of Armelle Guilcher & Mireille Pagni, and the participation of Regional Archaeological Services employees, including the multiple individuals in charge of archaeological operations.
- Publication forthcoming in AdlFI
Archaeological operations from 1986-1995 (207 records, 228 figures)
Publication directed by Robert Neiss (Head curator of Cultural Heritage and director of Historical Antiquities, October 1983-August 1991), with the collaboration of Alain Villes (Regional curator of Archaeology, December 1991-September 1998), and the participation of Regional Archaeological Services employees, including the multiple individuals in charge of archaeological operations.
Department of Underwater Archaeological Research
Archaeological operations from 1991-1995 (77 records, 252 figures)
Records written by Luc Long (Head curator of Cultural Heritage), Michel L’Hour (research engineer), Hélène Bernard, Marie-Pierre Jézégou, Florence Richez (research engineers), as well as the individuals in charge of archaeological operations.
- Publication forthcoming in AdlFI
- Maps & Tables
- Bibliography
- Table of contents (coming soon)
Archaeological operations from 1985-1991 (285 records, 124 figures)
Publication directed by Michel Clément (Regional curator of Archaeology) & Michel-Édouard Bellet (Regional curator of Archaeology, September 1992-April 1997), with the collaboration of Élisabeth Lorans, Christian Verjux (Curators of Cultural Heritage) & Florence Faribault (Afan employee), and the participation of Regional Archaeological Services employees, including the multiple individuals in charge of archaeological operations.
- Publication forthcoming in AdlFI
- Maps & Tables
- Bibliography
- Table of contents (coming soon)
Archaeological operations from 1988-1991 (347 records, 168 figures)
Publication directed by Michel Vidal (Regional curator of Archaeology) & Jacques Jaubert (Assistant to Regional curator of Archaeology), with the collaboration of Marie-Geneviève Colin (Director of Historical Antiquities, October 1989-November 1991), Michel Allard, Michel Barrière, Laurent Fau, Jean-Pierre Giraud, Jean-Emmanuel Guibaut, François Rouzaud, Daniel Schaad, Christian Servelle (curators and research engineers within the Regional Archaeological Service), and with the participation of Christine Dieulafait (research engineer), Pierre Planès (secretary of documentary resources), and including the various individuals in charge of archaeological operations.
- Publication forthcoming in AdlFI
- Maps & Tables
- Bibliography
- Table of contents (coming soon)
Archaeological operations from 1988-1991 (150 records, 64 figures)
Publication directed by Gérard Fosse (Regional curator of Archaeology), with the collaboration of Luc Vallin (Curator of Cultural Heritage), Yves Desfossés (research engineer) & Valérie Gaudard (Head of documentary research), including the various individuals in charge of archaeological operations.
ISBN: 2-271-05472-9
Format: 22 x 28 cm, 277 p.
Publication year: 1997
Publisher: CNRS Editions
Corsica – Bourgogne
ISBN: 2-271-05355-2
Format: 22 x 28 cm, 261 p.
Publication year: 1997
Publisher: CNRS Editions
Upper Normandy
ISBN: 2-271-05220-3
Format: 22 x 28 cm, 259 p.
Publication year: 1994
Publisher: CNRS Editions
Underwater researches
ISBN: 2-271-05063-4
Format: 22 x 28 cm, 203 p.
Publication year: 1993
Publisher: CNRS Editions
ISBN: 2-271-05139-8
Format: 22 x 28 cm, 167 p.
Publication year: 1994
Publisher: CNRS Editions
Lower Normandy
ISBN: 2-222-04690-4
Format: 22 x 28 cm, 211 p.
Publication year: 1991
Publisher: Éditions du CNRS
ISBN: 2-222-04721-8
Format: 22 x 28 cm, 197 p.
Publication year: 1992
Publisher: Éditions du CNRS
Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur
ISBN: 2-222-04616-5
Format: 22 x 28 cm, 319 p.
Publication year: 1991
Publisher: Éditions du CNRS
ISBN: 2-222-04387-5
Format: 22 x 28 cm, 276 p.
Publication year: 1989
Publisher: Éditions du CNRS
Lorraine – Nord-Pas-de-Calais
Upper Normandy – Poitou-Charentes
ISBN: 2-222-04388-3
Format: 22 x 28 cm, 317 p.
Publication year: 1989
Publisher: Éditions du CNRS
Underwater researches
Aquitaine – Limousin
ISBN: 2-222-04126-0
Format: 22 x 28 cm, 281 p.
Publication year: 1988
Publisher: Éditions du CNRS
Bourgogne – Franche-Comté
Pays de la Loire
Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur
ISBN: 2-222-04127-9
Format: 22 x 28 cm, 347 p.
Publication year: 1989
Publisher: Éditions du CNRS