Publications » Gallia » Funerary monuments of Roman Gaul
ISBN: 978-2-271-12974-1
Format: 22 x 28 cm, 276 pages
Publication date: 12/12/2019
DOI: 10.4000/gallia.4515
Martial Monteil & William Van Andringa
Hoc monimentum maesoleumque : funerary monuments in the landscape of the civitates of Roman Gaul and Germany [p. 1-8]
Yvan Maligorne, Serge Février & Jean-Noël Castorio
A monumental funerary enclosure at Langres/Andemantunnum [p. 11-44]
Olivier Ginouvez & Sandy Gualandi
A circular mausoleum in a suburban context in Narbonne/Narbo Martius (Aude)
[p. 45-54]
William Van Andringa in collaboration with Stefan Groh
Facing the city: the mausoleum of Herrane at Saint-Bertrand-de-Comminges/Lugdunum des Convènes (Haute-Garonne [p. 55-70]
Philippe Mellinand & Elsa Sagetat-Basseuil in collaboration with Renaud Lisfranc
The mausoleum at the villa of Ussol in Saint-Rémy-de-Provence (Bouches-du-Rhône)
[p. 73-89]
Richard Pellé
The turriform mausoleum of a villa near Carcassonne/Carcasso (Aude) [p. 91-104]
Claire Barbet, Muriel Pardon-Labonnelie, Clémence Chalvidal & Marlène Aubin
Family burial-place and funerary memory of a practitioner at Marquion (Pas-de-Calais)
[p. 105-125]
Maxence Segard, Rémi Corbineau, Cécile de Seréville-Niel, Antoinette Rast-Eicher
& collab.
Privileged burials in the civitas of the Pictones: the funerary area of Jaunay-Clan (Vienne) [p. 127-184]
Catherine Coquelet, Jean-Luc Schütz & Fabienne Vilvorder
in collaboration with Éric Goemaere
The mausoleum of Vervoz (Belgium) in the civitas of the Tungri, between roadside agglomeration and villa [p. 187-212]
Frédéric Mercier
in collaboration with Christian Le Boulaire, Michel Pichon & Jacques Santrot
Foundation of a family memorium in the civitas of the Namnetes: the Roman mausoleum of Pellières at Saint-Herblain (Loire-Atlantique) [p. 213-225]
Aurélie Laurey, Vanessa Brunet, Mélanie Demarest et Céline Mauduit
A funerary monument of the Early Empire on the borders of the civitas of the Carnutes at Boinville-en-Mantois (Yvelines) [p. 227-254]
Closer to the city
Sepultus in villa
On the territory of the civitates