2020 | 77-1

Roman ports in the Three Gauls

Between the Atlantic and inland waters

Jimmy Mouchard & David Guitton

ISBN: 978-2-271-13523-0

Format: 22 x 28 cm, 510 pages

Publication date: 08/04/2021

DOI: 10.4000/gallia.5256

Introductory remarks

Jimmy Mouchard
Franco-Roman Atlantic coastal and inland ports:
equipment, architecture, function and environment
[p. 1-28]

Pascal Arnaud
Navigation aids, navigational practice and construction of maritime landscapes in the North-East Atlantic: a few thoughts [p. 29-43]

Pauline Peter
Reaching safe harbour: the role of channels in Roman ports establishments [p. 45-51]

The Roman port neighborhood of Saint-Lupien in Rezé/Ratiatum (Loire-Atlantique)

Rémy Arthuis
in collaboration with Éric Armynot du Chatelet, Pierre Fernandez, Axelle Ganne, Évelyne Goubert, Valérie Le Cadre, Chantal Leroyer & Jimmy Mouchard
Hydromorphological changes in the Loire estuary and the evolution of the port of Rezé/Ratiatum (Loire-Atlantique) [p. 55-66]

Jimmy Mouchard, David Guitton, Martial Monteil, Xavier Favreau, Nicolas MénezMatthieu Yacger & collab.
The Roman port neighborhood of Saint-Lupien in Rezé/Ratiatum (Loire-Atlantique): origin and evolution [p. 67-97]

Jimmy Mouchard & Matthieu Yacger in collaboration with David Guitton
Quay no. 9 of the Roman port of Saint-Lupien in Rezé/Ratiatum (Loire-Atlantique
[p. 99-117]

Xavier Favreau & Nicolas Ménez
Quays nos. 1, 12 and 13 of the Roman port of Saint-Lupien in Rezé/Ratiatum (Loire-Atlantique) [p. 119-129]

Magali Toriti, Aline Durand & Fabien Fohrer
The state of preservation of the first wooden antique embankments of Saint-Lupien in Rezé/Ratiatum (Loire-Atlantique): the contribution of xylo-entomology [p. 131-139]

Frédéric Épaud
Traceological study of timber from the Roman port of Saint-Lupien in Rezé/Ratiatum (Loire-Atlantique) [p. 141-154]

Thibaud Maisonneuve
The use of stone materials for the construction of the Roman port of Saint-Lupien in Rezé/Ratiatum (Loire-Atlantique): quarrying, processing, construction [p. 155-161]

Aurélia Borvon
Zooarchaeological study of the Roman port district of Saint-Lupien in Rezé/Ratiatum: faunal remains at the foot of the riverbank [p. 163-182]

David Pécréaux & Aurélia Borvon
The insects of the Roman port district of Saint-Lupien in Rezé/Ratiatum (Loire-Atlantique): initial results of the archaeo-entomological study [p. 183-185]

Déjla Garmi & Laure Meunier
in collaboration with Jimmy Mouchard & Marc Guyon
Roman archaeological textiles discovered in nautical and port contexts: the cases of Rezé/Ratiatum (Loire-Atlantique) and Lyon/Lugdunum (Rhône) [p. 187-211]


Jimmy Mouchard
The Roman quays of Aizier (Eure) [p. 215-238]

Malina Robert
The ancient instrumentum of the port of Aizier (Eure)[p. 239-245]

Marie-Clotilde Lequoy
Quays and other Roman port works in Rouen/Rotomagus (Seine-Maritime)
[p. 247-261]

Cécile Allinne
An ancient rural port at the far end of the Blainville-sur-Orne estuary [p. 263-278]

Vivien Mathé, Laurence Tranoy, Marion Druez, François Lévêque, Vincent Miailhe
& Frédéric Pouget
Quid of the Roman estuarine port of Barzan (Charente-Maritime)? [p. 279-290]

Frédéric Gerber
3D modelling and rendering of the Late Empire port of Bordeaux (Gironde)
[p. 291-299]

Inland ports

David Gucker in collaboration with Philippe Rollet, Émilie Jouhet et Willy Tegel
The ancient port facilities of the Vesle river in Reims/Durocortorum (Marne)
[p. 303-316]

Denis Maréchal
The ancient port developments of Pont-Sainte-Maxence (Oise): a primary assessment
[p. 317-326]

Yann Le Jeune, Corinne Charamond & Christian Charamond
The ancient port of Chelles: a water course following the river [p. 327-346]

Jean-Michel Morin
The ancient port of the city of Les Mureaux (Yvelines) [p. 347-358]

Laurent Paez-Rezende
The Roman port facilities of Incarville (Eure) [p. 359-372]

Nicolas Fouillet & Philippe Gardère
The ancient site of the “clinique des Dames Blanche” in Tours: development of a roman landing stage on the Loire river and evolution of the riverbank shoreline
[p. 373-385]

Julien Courtois, Émilie Roux-Capron in collaboration with Pascale Dupont
Developing the riverfront on the right bank of the Loire in Roman times in Orléans/Cenabum (Loiret) [p. 387-399]

Alain Ferdière & Emmanuel Marot
An ancient shoreline development on the Auron river, for the Lazenay villa in Bourges (Cher) [p. 401-410]

Morgane Cayre & Nicolas Bernier
Roman embankment developments in the town of Vieux-Poitiers in Naintré (Vienne)
[p. 411-417]

Jean-Philippe Baigl, Adrien Camus, Olivier Dayrens, Vincent Lebaron, Jonathan Letuppe & Vivien Mathé
The ancient port of Saintes/Mediolanum (Charente-Maritime) [p. 419-431]

Broadening horizons

Bruno Chaume in collaboration with Paul Cheetham, Rainer Komp, Friedrich Lüth, Thomas Pertlwieser, Walter Reinhard, Otto Urban & Michael Weissl
Vix (Côte-d’Or) and the emergence of Celtics principalities:
the port hypothesis and the concept of port of trade
[p. 435-452]

Christophe Gaston
Monumental embankment developments from Iron Age and Roman periods in Besançon (Doubs) [p. 453-459]

Romain Guichon
Between the Rhône and the Rhine: fluvio-lacustrine ports in Roman Switzerland
[p. 461-473]

Mertxe Urteaga
The Roman port facilities of Irun/Oiasso (Basque Country, Spain): between functional equipment and urban facades [p. 475-488]

Corinne Sanchez, Jean-Michel Fabre, Sophie Coadic, Julie Labussière, Benoît Favennec, Marie-Pierre Jézégou, Stéphanie Wicha in collaboration with Patrice Cervellin, Patrick Andersch Goodfellow & Cécile Rivals
The use of wood in the ancient port facilities of Narbonne/Narbo Martius (Aude)
[p. 489-508]

Cartographic table of contents


Inland ports

Broadening horizons

Les ports romains dans les Trois Gaules