The Journal » Editorial Policy
Editorial Policy
Gallia – Archéologie des Gaules (ISSN: 0016-4119; e-ISSN: 2109-9588) is one of the France’s leading journal for ancient archeology, with an important international audience. Its mission is to publish thematic issues and review articles, as well as to broadcast the results of the main projects and excavations evaluated by the National Archaeological Research Council (CNRA) or the Regional Archaeological Services (SRA). As an archaeological journal and in regards to each site studied, Gallia is open to all disciplines that may broaden the field of research.
Its chronological purview spans from the Protohistoric period, beginning in the First Iron Age, covering Antiquity and Late Antiquity, and lasting until the end of the Merovingian dynasty.
Its geographical scope is that of the ancient “Gallic” expanse, which corresponds to the Roman provinces of the Three Gauls, Gallia Narbonensis and Germania, as well as the immediately adjacent territories which have a direct impact on their history.
The Gallia Supplements (ISSN: 0072-0119) publish monographic studies, extensive reviews and corpora (iconographic, epigraphic, etc.) of major interest or which represent significant advances for the archeology and history of Gaul. Collections, such as the General Collection of Mosaics of Gaul (Recueil général des mosaïques de la Gaule), the Latin Inscriptions of Gallia Narbonensis (Inscriptions latines de Narbonnaise – ILN) or the Collection of Gallic Inscriptions (Recueil des inscriptions gauloises – RIG), function as assemblages and serve specifically to compile the corpora.
The journal Archéologie de la France – Informations (e-ISSN: 2114-0502) is a joint publication headed by the Ministry of Culture (sub-directorate of archeology) and the CNRS (Institute for Humanities and Social Sciences). Successor to Gallia Informations, from which it inherits the corpus and overall mission, AdlFI is an online journal responsible for the continuous and regularly paced publication of reviews presenting the latest results from archaeological endeavors realized throughout mainland France, its overseas and marine territories, and including submarine operations. These publications cover all archaeological discoveries, from prehistoric to contemporary times.
Evaluation procedure
- Peer review
The manuscripts are submitted to at least two reviewers (one internal to the journal’s editorial board and one external), experts in the subject in question. The reviewers are equipped with an evaluation chart covering both form and substance, and which they must complete with a detailed opinion on the submitted work. The reports are examined and discussed by the journal’s editorial board in February and July of each year. In all cases, the manuscripts are then returned to the authors with the editorial board’s recommendations and the related reports. The identity of the experts is known to the authors and vice versa.
The average interval between the submission of an article and its publication is estimated at:
- 6-12 months
Publication costs
- No submission fees
- No publication fees
- Assignment of exclusive publishing rights
Rights holders:
- CNRS (MSH Mondes)
- CNRS Editions