
Rights & Permissions Policy

Each year, with a few exceptions, two volumes are published, one varia, and the other in the form of a thematic issue. The two are distributed in paper format (usually at the end of the year), as well as in digital format on the OpenEdition Journals platform. The paper volumes are printed by CNRS Éditions, who are also in charge of their distribution.


15 rue Malebranche
F-75005 Paris
Tel. +33 (0)1 53 10 27 00

Open Access policy

The journal’s articles (Dossiers and Varia) are published in open access and without mobile barriers on the OpenEdition Journals platform (Freemium program) simultaneously with the paper version. Since 2020, the Varia are published continuously online, while the paper publication remains annual and is issued at the end of each year.

Distribution license


Articles published before 2021
are released under the
CC BY-NC-ND license.

Digital publishing platforms

OpenEdition Journals

Each published article is assigned a permanent identifier in the form of a DOI (Digital Object Identifier). The same applies to the digital annexes to the articles, rendered accessible via the Nakala service of the TGIR Huma-Num.

Archival policy

Uploading of the published version (edited version/editor’s PDF) is authorized after a 1-year waiting period. The HAL open archive exists for this purpose and is affiliated directly with Gallia. The journal maintains a collection dedicated to their publications on this server.

Uploading of the published version is not allowed on private platforms (such as Academia, ResearchGate). Rather than uploading a file, the journal recommends adding a hyperlink that provides either a direct access to the article at its original source: online on the OpenEdition Journals platform, or directs the interested party to the article’s summary on the HAL open archive.